Public Notices


Proposed Public Toilet Facility, South Cottesloe – Community Consultation 

In 2023 the Town of Cottesloe reviewed its Strategic Community Plan 2013-2023 and asked our community to participate in a Community Survey, to assist the Town in developing the new Council Plan 2023 – 2033. Through the Community Survey, the need for a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe was highlighted. Following the Community Survey, a Community Perceptions Report showed that a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe was important to our community, and the lack of a facility resulted in a low satisfaction rating.

In response, Council has allocated $200,000 in the 2024/25 budget to address this concern. The Town is now seeking community feedback on a potential location for a public toilet facility in south Cottesloe, and the concept design.

The Town of Cottesloe would like to invite all Cottesloe residents, rate payers and businesses to participate in an online survey, available from Friday, 21 March 2025 and closing on Tuesday, 22 April 2025 (COB)

The survey and associated documents are available on Engage Cottesloe at

(or click on the Engage quick link on our home page located under the ‘search’ function).

Please do not hesitate to contact the Town’s Engineering team on 9285 5000 or email if you require any further information.

Special Council Meeting - 14 March 2025

Advice Date: 13 March 2025

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Friday, 14 March 2025, commencing at 5:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to consider a confidential employee matter. 

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;
  • As the purpose of the meeting is to discuss information relating to a confidential employee matter, the Chief Executive Officer has recommended the matter be discussed behind closed doors, as per Section 5.23(2)(a), Local Government Act 1995.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Acceptance of Annual Report and AGM

Advice Date: 27 February 2025

Notice is hereby given that the 2023/2024 Annual Report was accepted by Council at the February Council Meeting. The 2023/2024 Annual Report is available to view at

Electors of the Town of Cottesloe are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on Monday, 18 March 2025, commencing at 5.30pm in the Lesser Hall (next to Cottesloe Civic Centre), 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the 2023/2024 Annual Report incorporating the 2023/2024 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report, and any other general business. All are welcome to attend. Further information is available at

Matthew Scott
Chief Executive Officer


 Advice Date: 18 February 2025


The Town of Cottesloe has made a Waste Local Law 2024, which will come into effect on 21 February 2025.

The purpose and effect of the local law is to regulate the management of waste services in the Town of Cottesloe, ensuring sustainable and cost-effective waste and recycling practices while reducing waste to landfill.

The Local Law can be viewed on the Town’s website at Alternatively, a copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration Office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Waste Local Law - Gazette Extract

Matthew Scott
Chief Executive Officer

Metro Sewer Relining in the Town of Cottesloe

Advice Date: 14 January 2025

Water Corporation will soon begin essential rehabilitation works on wastewater pipes across Perth. This program is designed to extend the life of critical infrastructure by at least 50 years and reduce the likelihood of blockages.

The works within the Town of Cottesloe are scheduled to commence in January 2025 and are expected to be completed by August 2025.

Work Locations:

  • Avonmore Terrace, Cottesloe
  • Broome Street, Cottesloe
  • Jarrad Street, Cottesloe
  • John Street, Cottesloe

Working Hours
The authorised contractor, Allpipe Technologies, will generally work Monday to Friday from 7am to 5pm, with Saturday work as required. Affected residents will be notified if work needs to occur outside these hours.

What to Expect

  • Activity in verges, roads, and possibly private property boundaries.
  • Noise from machinery, vehicles, and generators.
  • Temporary odours during pipe cleaning and relining.
  • Traffic management to ensure the safety of all road users.

Where possible, trenchless technology will be used to minimise disruptions. Residents directly impacted will receive further notifications 3–5 days before the works in their area begin.

Learn more about the project, including maps and updates, at

Thank you for your understanding during this essential work.



Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2024

Advice date: 17 September 2024

In accordance with section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe has gazetted the Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2024 on 13 September 2024.

Purpose of the local law:

To correct minor typographical and non industry standard clauses within the Town of Cottesloe Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

Effect of the local law:

To ensure that all matters associated with parking within the district of the Town of Cottesloe are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

Justification for the local law:

To ensure that the Town’s parking and parking facilities controls are contemporary best practice resulting in a sensibly regulated parking framework for the district.

The Local Law will come into effect on 28 September 2024.

The Local Law can be viewed on the Town’s website here. Alternatively, a copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration Office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at The Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Council resolution OCM022/2024 from the 27 February 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting committed undertakings in relation to this Local Law, which can be viewed in the Confirmed Minutes here.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 20 August 2024

Advice date: 16 August 2024 

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, commencing at 5:30 pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to:

  1. Adopt the 2024/25 Annual Budget; and
  2. To consider T03/2024 - Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Shark Barrier behind closed doors.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting will be available on the website here no later than 5:00pm on Friday, 16 August 2024.
  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.
  • As the purpose of one item is to discuss information relating to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, the Acting Chief Executive Officer has recommended that this matter be discussed behind closed doors, as per Section 5.23(a), Local Government Act 1995.

For further information, you can contact the Town by emailing or calling 9285 5000. 

Steve Cleaver

Acting Chief Executive Officer 

Please be advised that the Council Agenda Forum, scheduled to start at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, may commence later than planned due to this Special Meeting being scheduled beforehand.

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 2 August 2024

Advice date: 1 August 2024

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Friday, 2 August 2024, commencing at 5:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to consider the Appointment of a Senior Employee.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.
  • As the purpose of the meeting is to discuss information relating to a matter affecting an employee, the Chief Executive Officer has recommended the matter be discussed behind closed doors, as per Section 5.23(2)(a), Local Government Act 1995.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

John Black Dune Park Declared a Dog on Leash Area

Advice date: 31 July 2024 

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 31 of the Dog Act 1976 that the Town of Cottesloe has declared  John Black Dune Park at lot 38 (No 20) Napier Street Cottesloe (Reserve 3235) is no longer a dog exercise area and dogs must now be kept on leash at all times.

This change was declared at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, 23 July 2024.

The amendment will take effect from Sunday, 1 September 2024.

The Town of Cottesloe Dogs Local Law 2024 - Consolidated, Part 4 – Dogs in Public Places, identifies designated dog exercise areas and areas where dogs are prohibited within the Town of Cottesloe, a penalty applies for each offence. 

A copy of the Town of Cottesloe Dogs Local Law 2024 - Consolidated can be viewed on the Town’s website and a hard copy may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 and at The Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

For further information, you can contact the Town by emailing or calling 9285 5000.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Town of Cottesloe Dogs Amendment Local Law 2024

Advice date: 16 July 2024

In accordance with section 3.12(6) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is provided that the Town of Cottesloe has gazetted the above Local Law on 16 July 2024.

The purpose of the Local Law is to rectify minor typographical matters within the Town of Cottesloe Dogs Local Law 2023.

The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all matters pertaining to dog control in the district are contemporary, industry standard and best practice ensuring the best outcome for the residents and visitors to the area.

The Local Law will come into effect on 31 July 2024.

The Local Law can be viewed on the Town’s website here. Alternatively, a copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration Office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Council resolution OCM218/2023 from the 24 October 2023 Ordinary Council Meeting committed undertakings in relation to this Local Law, which can be viewed in the Confirmed Minutes here

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Proposed Town of Cottesloe Waste Local Law 2024

Advice date: 16 July 2024

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make a Waste Local Law 2024.

The purpose of the Town of Cottesloe Waste Local Law 2024 is to assist the Town of Cottesloe in administering sustainable waste and recycling services to maintain consistent, cost effective and functional waste management practices.

The effect of the Town of Cottesloe Waste Local Law is to establish the requirements with which any owner or occupier of premises using local government waste services, including the use of receptacles for the deposit and collection of waste within the district, must comply.

The proposed Local Law can be viewed on the Town’s website here. Alternatively, a copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration Office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Submissions regarding the proposed Local Law may be made to the Town of Cottesloe on or before Tuesday, 27 August 2024 and should be addressed to the undersigned by email to or mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911. 

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates

Advice date: 11 July 2024

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2024/2025 financial year.

Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows:

Rate description

Rate in the $

Minimum payment

GRV – Residential Improved (RI)



GRV – Residential Vacant (RV)



GRV – Commercial Improved (CI)



GRV – Commercial Vacant (CV)



GRV – Commercial Town (CT)



GRV - Industrial



The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre.

The rate in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations of any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.

A statement describing the objects of and reasons for this differential rate are available on the Town's website here. Alternatively, hard copies are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011.

Written submissions on the proposed differential rate close at 4pm on Thursday, 1 August 2024 should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or to 

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 10 July 2024

Advice date: 5 July 2024

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Wednesday, 10 July 2024, commencing at 5:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to consider issuing a notice of intention to levy Differential Rates for 2024/25.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Have Your Say – Green Infrastructure Strategy 

The Town of Cottesloe is calling for feedback from the community on our Green Infrastructure Strategy, Street Tree Masterplan, and Natural Areas Management Plan.

Please complete the online survey available on Engage Cottesloe at

The survey will be open from Tuesday, 2 July until Sunday, 25 August (11pm) 2024.

A hard copy of the survey is available at the Town’s Administration office (109 Broome Street, Cottesloe) if required.

For further information please contact the Town of Cottesloe on 9285 5000 or email


Scan Here

Town of Cottesloe Authorised Parking Restrictions Removal Area 2

Advice date:  19 June 2024

At the Town of Cottesloe Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 May 2024, Council resolved to remove parking permit restrictions in Area 2 in East Cottesloe, bounded by Forrest Street (south), Railway Street (west), Parry Street (north) and Stirling Highway (east). These parking restrictions were implemented due to construction of a large scale development at 1 Airlie Street, Claremont.

Removal of the parking signage commenced on 17 June 2024 and will be completed by 8 July 2024, dependent on weather.

Residents and businesses are no longer required to display parking permits in Area 2 and parking infringements will not be issued in relation to the restrictions that were in place.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Town of Cottesloe Amendment to Dog Off Lead Exercise Areas

Advice date: 17 June 2024

In accordance with section 31 of the Dog Act 1976, Local Public Notice is provided that the Town of Cottesloe declares that John Black Dune Park at lot 38, 20 Napier Street Cottesloe (Reserve 3235) is no longer designated as a “dog exercise area” and that dogs must be now kept on a lead at all times.

Rangers will be patrolling the area and education to dog owners will be given or cautions may be issued for any breach of the Local Law and the Dog Act for a period of 28 days from the date of this notice, 17 June 2024.

This amendment will come into effect 15 July 2024.

A copy of the amended exercise areas listed and a map of all current dog exercise areas may be viewed on the Town’s website at  

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Special Council Meeting - 20 May 2024

Advice date: 17 May 2024

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Monday, 20 May 2024, commencing at 6:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to consider a matter relating to the employment of a Senior Employee.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.
  3. As the purpose of the meeting is to discuss information relating to a matter affecting an employee and legal advice received by the Town, the Chief Executive Officer has recommended the matter be discussed behind closed doors, as per Section 5.23(2)(a) & (d), Local Government Act 1995.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Proposed Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2024

Advice date: 26 March 2024

In accordance with section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make an amendment to the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

Purpose of the Local Law:

To comply with direction from the Joint Standing Committee on Delegated Legislation to ensure that the Town of Cottesloe Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2023 is in accordance with the direction of that Committee.

Effect of the Local Law:

To provide for the orderly control and regulation of Parking and Parking Facilities within the Town of Cottesloe and to ensure that all matters associated with parking within the district of the Town of Cottesloe are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

A copy of the proposed Local Law is available for inspection from the Council office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe or via the Town’s website at

Written submissions close at 4.00pm on Friday, 17 May 2024 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or by email to

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Change of Audit Committee Meeting Date - 13 March 2024

Advice date: 12 March 2024

Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Audit Committee Meeting that was to occur on Monday,  11 March 2024, commencing at 4:30pm has been moved to Wednesday, 13 March 2024, commencing at 4:30pm in the Mayors Parlour. 

The Audit Committee was unable to meet on the 11 March 2024 as it did not meet the statutory membership requirements as per section 7.1A(2), Local Government Act 1995. 

The Agenda for this Audit Committee Meeting will be available on the Town’s website prior to the meeting. 

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 12 March 2024

Advice date: 11 March 2024

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 12 March 2024, commencing at 5:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to appoint a new Elected Member to the Audit Committee. 

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Proposed Disposition of Property

Advice date: 29 February 2024

In accordance with Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995 the Town of Cottesloe provides Local Public Notice that it proposes to dispose of property by way of Lease the details of which are as follows:

Property Details:   Portion of Reserve 3235 Napier Street, an area of 66m2 as shown on the attached Plan.
Proposed Lessee:   Waveconn through agents Pro Realty Property Consultants.
Consideration:  $30,000 per annum.
Proposed Term:    Two Years.
Estimated Market Value
$30,000 per year per Valuation dated 14 November 2023.

Telstra Tower - proposed location in John Black Dune Park             

The purpose of the disposal is for the temporary location of a mobile Telecommunications Tower to provide mobile phone services to the Cottesloe area.

Submissions can be made to the Town of Cottesloe via email to, in writing to PO Box 606, Cottesloe 6911 or during office hours to the Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe prior to Wednesday, 13 March 2024.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Acceptance of Annual Report and General Meeting of Electors

Advice date: 28 February 2024

Local Government Act 1995 s 5.29 (1)

Notice is hereby given that the 2022/2023 Annual Report was accepted by Council on 27 February 2024. The 2022/2023 Annual Report is available to view at

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of Electors will be held at 6pm on Wednesday, 20 March in the War Memorial Hall at the Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the 2022/23 Annual Report incorporating the 2022/2023 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report, and any other general business. All are welcome to attend.

A copy of the agenda and attachments may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. These documents may also be viewed on the Town’s website at

Any enquiries may be directed to the Town on 9285 5000. 

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer



Proposed Town of Cottesloe Dogs Amendment Local Law 2024

Advice date: 20 November 2023

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make a Dogs Amendment Local Law 2024.

The purpose of the Local Law is to correct minor typographical matters within the Town of Cottesloe Dogs Local Law 2023. The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all matters pertaining to dog control in the district are contemporary, industry standard and best practice ensuring the best outcome for the residents and visitors to the area.

 A copy of the proposed Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. View the proposed Dogs Amendment Local Law 2024 on the Town’s website.

Submissions regarding the proposed Local Law may be made to the Town of Cottesloe on or before Thursday, 4 January 2024 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or email to

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Town of Cottesloe Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2023

Advice date: 14 November 2023

In accordance with section 3.12 (6) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is provided that the Town of Cottesloe has gazetted the above Local Law on 10 November 2023. 

The purpose of the Local Law is to correct minor typographical and non industry standard clauses within the Town of Cottesloe Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023

The effect of the Local Law is to provide for the orderly control and regulation of Parking and Parking Facilities within the Town of Cottesloe and to ensure that all matters associated with parking within the district of the Town of Cottesloe are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law. 

The justification for the Local Law is to ensure compliance with direction from the Joint Standing Committee for Delegated Legislation seeking that the Local Law is satisfactory in terms of its legal standing and industry standard. 

The Local Law will come into effect on 24 November 2023. 

A copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at The Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. View the Parking and Parking Facilities Amendment Local Law 2023 on the Town’s website. Effective Local Laws are available in the Local Law section of this website.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Call for Nominations - Community Representatives for Council Committees and Advisory Groups

Advice date: 23 October 2023

Expressions of Interest are called from community members to become community representatives on the following committees and advisory groups for a two year term:

Committee or Advisory Group Name

Number of Vacancies

Active Transport Working Group

Up to four (4)

Audit Committee*

Up to three (3)

Design Review Panel*

Up to six (6)

Foreshore Precinct Advisory Committee

Up to four (4)

Public Open Space Working Group

Up to two (2)

Universal Access and Inclusion Community Reference Group

Up to four (4)

Residential and Recreational Verge Uses Task Force

Three (3)

Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaption Plan

At least one (1)

Reconciliation Action Working Group

Up to five (5)

*Demonstration of qualifications and experience is required.

Community representatives are asked to demonstrate that they hold relevant experience, knowledge and skills in their application. Those interested are invited to complete the Community Representative Nomination Form 2023.

Council Committee or Advisory Group Community Representative Nomination Form 2023

Applications close at 5.00pm on Tuesday, 14 November 2023.

For further information, please contact Kate Saunders, Executive Services Officer on 9285 5000.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


Advice date: 23 October 2023

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Community Engagement

Advice date: 9 October 2023

The Town of Cottesloe is seeking your feedback for the development of a new Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for 2023-2028.

The purpose of the DAIP is to ensure that all people, including people with disability, are welcomed and included by the Town of Cottesloe and can access our buildings, information, feedback and complaints processes, services and employment opportunities.

We want your ideas on how we can make the Town of Cottesloe more accessible and inclusive for everyone. 

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

  • Review our current DAIP
  • Complete the survey (online or in an alternative format)
  • Phone or email our Community Development Officer – Silvia Collasius or phone, text or email our Independent Consultant – Leanda Syme

Complete the survey

Hard copies of the survey are also available at Cottesloe Civic Centre and the Grove Library.

For alternative formats of the survey contact Leanda Syme.

Contact details

Silvia Collasius

Community Development Officer

Town of Cottesloe

Phone: 9285 5000

Leanda Syme

Independent Consultant

E-QUAL Disability Consultants

Phone: 9389 9930

Mobile/SMS: 0417 963 975


Submissions close at 5:00pm on Tuesday, 31 October 2023.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


Advice date: 22 September 2023

An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday, 21 October 2023 in the Town of Cottesloe to fill the following vacancies: 

The Town of Cottesloe is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 21 October 2023 to fill vacancies in the offices of Councillors as listed below:




     MASON, Katy

     IRVINE, Jeffrey

     THOMAS, Michael

     BOULTER, Sandra

     HEATH, Sonja

Election Packages will be sent to all electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate.

You may hand deliver your postal voting papers, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), during business hours before election day from the following location(s):

     Town of Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE

Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day, Saturday, 21 October 2023.

You may hand deliver your postal voting papers to an electoral officer, or obtain a replacement package (if the package is not received, or should any papers be missing), between 8.00am and 6.00pm on election day at the following location(s):

Chief Polling Place:

     Town of Cottesloe Lesser Hall, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE

The count of votes will commence after 6.00pm at the Town of Cottesloe Lesser Hall, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE.

Electronic Counting Place

     30 Beaufort Street, Northbridge may be used as an electronic counting place.



13 63 06


Advice date: 7 August 2023

In accordance with section 3.12 of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make amendments to the Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

Purpose of the Local Law:

To correct minor typographical and non industry standard clauses within the Town of Cottesloe Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

Effect of the Local Law:

To provide for the orderly control and regulation of Parking and Parking Facilities within the Town of Cottesloe and to ensure that all matters associated with parking within the district of the Town of Cottesloe are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

A copy of the proposed Local Law is available for inspection from the Council office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe or via the Town’s website at Proposed Local Laws.

Written submissions close at 4.00pm on Friday, 22 September 2023 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or by email to

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


NOMINATIONS CLOSE: 4.00pm Thursday, 7 September 2023

Advice date: 23 August 2023

An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday, 21 October 2023 in the Town of Cottesloe to fill the following vacancies: 




4 year terms

Nominations Open on Thursday, 31 August 2023

Nominations Close at 4:00pm Thursday, 7 September 2023

Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:

  • at any time during the above period by arrangement; or

  • between 2:00pm and 4:00pm Thursday, 7 September 2023 (close of nominations) at the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE.

Nominations Requirements

Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:

  • a completed nomination in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (;

  • a single A4 page profile of not more than 1,000 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;

  • a nomination deposit of $100 (cash, EFT, bank cheque or postal order);

  • a recent passport-sized photograph (optional);

  • every candidate must have completed the online course titled Local Government Candidate Induction, available at, prior to nominating; and

  • (optional) in addition to your A4 profile, you may provide additional information that you consider to be relevant to your candidature. This written statement must be not more than 2,000 characters (including spaces), must be in the English language and is for publication on the local government’s official website.

The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via

You cannot use Nomination Builder to prepare the additional information.

Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.

The documents may be hand delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.


Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lisa WILKINSON on 0474 789 733 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.



NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING - 24 AUGUST 2023 - Change of Commencement Time - 4.30pm

Advice date: 22 August 2023

Please note this meeting was previously notified to commence at 5:30pm, however due to changes in Elected Members availability the new commencement time is 4:30pm.

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Thursday 24 August 2023, commencing at 4:30 pm.

The purpose of the meeting is for Council to adopt the 2023/24 Annual Budget. 

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting will be available no later than 5:00pm, Wednesday, 23 August 2023, available at

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


ROLL CLOSE: 5.00pm Friday, 25 August 2023

Advice date: 7 August 2023

You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 21 October 2023 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe.

You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll as at 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form.

Enrolment Forms
You can enrol or update your details online, or download an enrolment form, via the Western Australian Electoral Commission website ( Forms are also available from the Australian Electoral Commission ( Enrolments and updates must be completed and received by 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023.

Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers
If you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe and are on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you are eligible to enrol to vote. If you are not on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll and own or occupy rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe you may be eligible to enrol to vote. This applies if you were on the last electoral roll for the Town of Cottesloe prior to May 1996 and have owned or occupied rateable property in the district continuously since this time. Please contact your local government for details. Owners of land who were on the last Local Government roll continue to retain that status until they cease to own the rateable property to which the enrolment relates. Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Town of Cottesloe to confirm their enrolment status. To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you will need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol.

Joint Owners and Occupiers
If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

A body corporate that owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two people who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

Enrolment Forms – Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only
Enrolment forms can be obtained from local governments and must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5:00 PM Friday, 25 August 2023. Further information can be obtained from the Town of Cottesloe.

13 63 06


Advice date: 4 August 2023

In accordance with section 3.12(6) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is provided that the Town of Cottesloe has gazetted the above Local Law on 4 August 2023.

The purpose of the Local Law is to provide for the regulation and control of dogs within the local government district of the Town of Cottesloe. The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all matters pertaining to dog control in the district are contemporary, industry standard and best practice ensuring the best outcome for the residents and visitors to the area.

The Local Law will come into effect on 16 August 2023.

A copy of the Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. The Local Law can also be viewed on the Town’s website here.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates

Advice date: 2 August 2023

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2023/2024 financial year.

Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows:

Rate description

Rate in the $

Minimum payment

GRV – Residential Improved (RI)



GRV – Residential Vacant (RV)



GRV – Commercial Improved (CI)



GRV – Commercial Vacant (CV)



GRV – Commercial Town (CT)



GRV - Industrial



The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre.

The rate in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations on any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.

A statement describing the objects of and reasons for this differential rate is available via this link. Alternatively, hard copies are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011.

Written submissions on the proposed differential rate close at 4.00pm on Wednesday 23 August 2023 should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or to

Shaun Kan

Acting Chief Executive Officer

Dog Exercise and Dog Prohibited Areas

Advice date: 26 July 2023

The Town of Cottesloe provides Local Public Notice pursuant to Section 31 of the Dog Act 1976 that the following areas are designated as Dog Exercise areas within the district:

  • the following public beaches,

    • Southern Dog Beach - the public beach south of the north side of the groyne at Beach Street and the easterly projection of that line to the access path to the beach, northerly along the western edge and easterly along the northern edge of that path to where it joins the car park, then southerly to the southern boundary of the district.

    • Northern Dog Beach - the public beach situated to the north of the prolongation westerly of the southern boundary of Lot 67 of Cottesloe Suburban Lot 13 to the western boundary of the municipality and thence northerly to the northern boundary of the municipality.

  • the following reserves,

    • An area bounded between the railway reserve to the east, the eastern edge of the constructed part of Curtin Avenue to the west, Eric Street to the north and the north edge of the footpath from Forrest Street to the south

    • An area bounded between the railway reserve to the east, the eastern edge of the constructed part of Curtin Avenue to the west, the southern edge of Grant Street railway station and Eric Street to the south.

    • Reserve A1203 known as Grant Marine Park

    • Reserve 29939 known as Andrews Place

    • Reserve 24793 known as Jasper Green Reserve

    • Cottesloe Oval, Reserve A6271 (Cottesloe Suburban Lot 63)

    • Harvey Field, Part of Reserve A1664 (Cottesloe Suburban Lot 68)

    • In Curtin Avenue:

  • In Railway Street:

    • An area bounded between the railway reserve to the west, the Western edge of the constructed part of Railway Street, the southern boundary of the car park at Congdon Street and the northern boundary of Eric Street to the south.

  • An area bounded between the railway reserve to the west, the western edge of the constructed part of Railway Street, the southern boundary of Eric Street and the southern projection of Burt Street to the south.

  • John Black Dune Reserve A3235 (part of Napier St Reserve) bounded by the north side of the northern footpath on Napier Street, the eastern edge of the constructed car park at Napier Street (known as car park No. 2), the southern boundary of Bryan Way and the western boundaries of the tennis courts.

  • Lot 401 (2) Jarrad Street, being Seaview Golf Course between the hours of 6pm and 6am.

  • The above designations do not apply to -

    1. land which has been set apart as a children's playground;

    2. an area being used for sporting or other activities, as permitted by the local government, during the times of such use; or

    3. a car park.”

Consistent with (e) above, the Town also advises that the following spaces are areas where dogs are prohibited entirely:

  • A public beach or reserve where indicated by signage;

  • Land which has been set apart as a children's playground designated by sand/soft fall area, fence or as indicated by signage; and

  • An area being used for sporting or other activities, as permitted by the local government, during the times of such use.

Please note that these designations are not new and currently exist.  The method of designating dog exercise areas and dogs prohibited areas has changed from being governed by Local Law to being able to be undertaken by Council Resolution and advertising.  This is the purpose of this notice.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 1 August 2023

Advice date: 28 July 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 1 August 2023, commencing at 6:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider legal advice received regarding the Council’s 2023/2024 Budget adopted at the July Ordinary Council Meeting and the re-advertising of differential rating.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available after 5:00 pm, Friday 28 July 2023 at:

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;

  • As Council will be discussing a matter that contains information relating to legal advice obtained, it will be recommended that Council deal with this matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

 Shaun Kan

Acting Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 18 July 2023

Advice date: 14 July 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 18 July 2023, commencing at 6:00 pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider legal advice received regarding options available to seek a judicial review of the recent WAPC decision relating to the Ocean Beach Hotel (OBH) Redevelopment. 

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available no later than 4:30 pm, Friday 14 July 2023 at:
  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;
  • As Council will be discussing a matter that contains information relating to legal advice obtained, it will be recommended that Council deal with this matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

The previously advertised Agenda Forum Meeting for the 18 July 2023, which was to commence at 6:00 pm, will continue to be held on the 18 July 2023, however, will now commence after the closure of this Special Council Meeting.  

William Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates

Advice date: 28 June 2023

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2023/2024 financial year.

Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows: 

Differential Rate Category Rate in the $ Minimum Rate
Differential Rate – Town Centre Commercial (GRV) 0.07721 $1,341


The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre.

The rate in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations of any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.

A statement describing the objects of and reasons for this differential rate are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 or on the Town’s website via this link

Written submissions on the proposed differential rate close at 4.00pm on Thursday, 20 July 2023 should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or to


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Major Land Transaction - Local Government Act 1995

Advice date:  7 June 2023

Statewide and Local public notice is given in accordance with Section 3.59(4) of the Local Government Act 1995 that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to enter into a major land transaction (proposed transaction) by way of a lease with Olympia Hospitality Ltd (Kailis Hospitality Group) of the premises located at the upper level of the Building (road level at 149 Marine Parade, Cottesloe) located on Part Reserve 28199, Lot 510 on Deposited Plan 408992, being part of the land comprised in Crown Land Title Volume LR318 Folio 377 (also previously known as Barchetta Café).

The Town of Cottesloe has prepared a Business Plan that includes an overall assessment of the proposed transaction. A copy of the Business Plan may be inspected or obtained from the Town of Cottesloe Administration Building, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe or from the Town of Cottesloe’s website

If any person should wish to make a submission in relation to the proposed transaction, they are invited to make it in writing or by email, clearly marked “Submission – 149 Marine Parade” and:

  • Deliver it by hand at the Town of Cottesloe Administration Building, 109 Broome Street Cottesloe WA 6011; or

  • Send it by pre-paid post to the Town of Cottesloe, PO Box, Cottesloe WA 6911;

  • Sent by email to

All Public submissions are to be made and received by the Town of Cottesloe before 4:30pm on 19 July 2023.

William Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Business Plan - 149 Marine Parade - Final

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 6 June 2023

Advice date: 2 June 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday 6 June 2023, commencing at 6:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider a request to surrender the lease of 149 Marine Parade, Cottesloe (also known as Barchetta Café).

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;
  3. As Council will be discussing a matter that contains information relating to a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, and legal advice obtained, it has been recommended that Council deal with this matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

William Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 30 May 2023

Advice date: 26 May 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, the Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 30 May 2023, commencing at 6:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider:

  1. Lot 20 (19) Napoleon Street, Cottesloe – SAT Review of a Condition provided in JDAP Decision for a Mixed Use Development; and

  2. T02/2023 – Skate Park Design and Construct Tender Evaluation.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:

  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;

  3. As Council will be discussing a contract which may be entered into, in relation to the Skate Park Design and Construct Tender Evaluation Report, it has been recommended that Council deal with this matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting - 16 May 2023

Advice date: 8 May 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday 16 May 2023, commencing at 7:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider Tender Responses for the Lease of Premises located at Lot 149 Marine Parade, Cottesloe.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  • The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:

  • As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;

  • As Council will be discussing a contract which may be entered into, and if disclosed would reveal a trade secret or information that has a commercial value to a person, it has been recommended that Council deal with the matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Electors

Advice date: 3 May 2023

Electors of the Town of Cottesloe are invited to attend the Town of Cottesloe’s Annual General Meeting of Electors, to be held on Wednesday, 17 May 2023 in the War Memorial Hall, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, commencing at 6.00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the contents of the 2021/2022 Annual Report (incorporating the 2021/2022 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report) and any other general business.

The agenda is available here -

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer


Date of advice: 12 April 2023

Under the powers conferred by the Local Government Act 1995 and under all other powers enabling it, the Council of the Town of Cottesloe resolved on 28 February 2023 to make a Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

The Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023 was published in the Western Australian Government Gazette on 31 March 2023. It is available to view on the Town’s website at, at the Town’s Administration office (109 Broome Street, Cottesloe) and at the Grove Library (1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove).


Date of advice: 30 March 2023

At the Town of Cottesloe Council Meeting held on Tuesday this week (28 March 2023), Council confirmed its commitment to implementing the Cottesloe Foreshore Masterplan, in full and cost-effectively, while minimising inconvenience to residents and impact on all beach users.

At the meeting, Council considered proceeding to tender on roadworks on Marine Parade, between John Street and Overton Gardens, to resurface that section of road and bring it into line with the relevant design elements of the Foreshore Masterplan. This was an opportunity presented by the availability of grant funding for part of the work. 

Cost estimates for the works have increased due to current market issues, and part of the works would be sacrificed when other elements of the Masterplan are implemented. Proceeding with the roadworks at this stage would result in a temporary unfinished interface with the local business premises and would likely increase the duration of road closures. Council elected to postpone the works at this stage and instead to focus on securing funding to deliver the project in a more strategic way, including progressing the redevelopment of Carpark 2 as a key functional and financial element of the Foreshore Masterplan.  

Lorraine Young



Date of advice: 10 March 2023

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make a Dogs Local Law 2023.

The purpose of the Local Law is to provide for the regulation and control of dogs within the local government district of the Town of Cottesloe.  The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all matters pertaining to dog control in the district are contemporary, industry standard and best practice ensuring the best outcome for the residents and visitors to the area. 

A copy of the proposed Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. The proposed Local Law can also be viewed on the Town’s website via this link

Submissions regarding the proposed Local Law may be made to the Town of Cottesloe on or before Friday, 28 April 2023 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or email to

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer



Date of advice: 27 February 2023

The result of the extraordinary election conducted as a postal vote on Saturday, 25 February 2023 is as follows:






South Ward 1 Councillor ATKINS, Richard 209 21 October 2023
IRVINE, Jeffrey 201
Total Valid Votes 490
Informal Ballot Papers 3

Richard ATKINS is elected as Councillor for the South Ward and will hold office until 21 October 2023.






Date of advice: 27 January 2023

The Town of Cottesloe is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 25 February 2023 to fill the following vacancy:

South Ward



Term to Expire: 21 October 2023



ATKINS, Richard


IRVINE, Jeffrey

Candidate Profiles

Election Packages will be sent to all electors on South Ward of the Town of Cottesloe local government electoral roll.

Replacement Packages can be obtained from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE during business hours prior to election day and from 8.00am to 6.00pm on election day if the package is not received or should any papers be missing.

Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day, Saturday, 25 February 2023.

You may hand deliver your package to an electoral officer at the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE during business hours before election day or at the polling place / any polling place in the district between 8.00am and 6.00pm on election day.

Chief Polling Place: Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street COTTESLOE.

The count of votes will commence at 6.00pm at the Cottesloe Civic Centre - 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.



13 63 06

Notice of Special Meeting - 21 FEBRUARY 2023


Date of advice: 17 February 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12 of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice that the Mayor of Cottesloe has called a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday 21 February 2023, commencing at 5:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider an Adverse Possession Claim for a Portion(s) of Right of Way 20A & 20B.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;
  3. As Council will be discussing legal advice received with regards to the purpose of the meeting, it has been recommended that Council deal with the matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.


Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting – 7 February 2023

Date of advice: 3 February 2023

In accordance with Regulation 12(2) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice of a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday 7 February 2023, commencing at 7:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider the Request for Tender (document) for the proposed Lease of 149 Marine Parade, Cottesloe (Barchetta).

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting;
  3. As the matter to be considered relates to a future contract which may be entered into by the Town of Cottesloe, and if the matter was disclosed may reveal information that has a commercial value to a person, it has been recommended that Council deal with the matter behind closed doors, in accordance with Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

 Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Call for Nominations - Community Representatives for Council Committees and Advisory Groups

Advice date: 23 October 2023

Expressions of Interest are called from community members to become community representatives on the following committees and advisory groups for a two year term:

Committee or Advisory Group Name

Number of Vacancies

Active Transport Working Group

Up to four (4)

Audit Committee*

Up to three (3)

Design Review Panel*

Up to six (6)

Foreshore Precinct Advisory Committee

Up to four (4)

Public Open Space Working Group

Up to two (2)

Universal Access and Inclusion Community Reference Group

Up to four (4)

Residential and Recreational Verge Uses Task Force

Three (3)

Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaption Plan

At least one (1)

Reconciliation Action Working Group

Up to five (5)

*Demonstration of qualifications and experience is required.

Community representatives are asked to demonstrate that they hold relevant experience, knowledge and skills in their application. Those interested are invited to complete the Community Representative Nomination Form 2023.

Council Committee or Advisory Group Community Representative Nomination Form 2023

Applications close at 5.00pm on Tuesday, 14 November 2023.

For further information, please contact Kate Saunders, Executive Services Officer on 9285 5000.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer






A local government extraordinary election will be held on Saturday, 25 February 2023 in the Town of Cottesloe to fill the following vacancy:

South Ward



Term to expire: 21 October 2023

Nominations Open on Thursday, 12 January 2023

Nominations Close at 4:00 PM Thursday, 19 January 2023

Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:

  • at any time during the above period by arrangement; or
  • between 2:00pm and 4:00 PM Thursday, 19 January 2023 (close of nominations) at the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street Cottesloe.

Nominations Requirements

Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:

  • a completed nomination in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission (;
  • a single A4 page profile of not more than 800 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;
  • a nomination deposit of $80 (cash, bank cheque or postal order);
  • (optional) a recent passport-sized photograph of the candidate’s head, or head and shoulders; and
  • every candidate must have completed the online course titled Induction for prospective candidates, available at, prior to nominating.


The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed at

Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.

The documents may be hand delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.

Candidate profiles can be viewed here 


Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lisa WILKINSON on 0407 651 901 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.




Advice date: 31 October 2022

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make a Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

The purpose of the Local Law is to provide for the orderly control and regulation of Parking Facilities within the Town of Cottesloe. The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all matters associated with parking within the district are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

A copy of the proposed Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. The proposed Local Law can also be viewed on the Town’s website here - Proposed Local Law.

Submissions about the proposed Local Law may be made to the Chief Executive Officer, Town of Cottesloe, PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or email to by Friday, 23 December 2022.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Special Council Meeting – 6 September 2022

Advice date: 2 September 2022

In accordance with Regulation 12(2) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, The Town of Cottesloe gives public notice of a Special Council Meeting to be held in Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, on Tuesday, 6 September 2022 commencing at 6:00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to consider comments and specialist advice received regarding the proposed Indiana Teahouse redevelopment proposal (including the proposed relocation of the CSLSC Boatshed) as required by Resolution OCM245/2021, 14 December 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting.

Public intending to attend this Special Council Meeting are advised:

  1. The agenda for this Special Council Meeting is available at:
  2. As per Regulation 7(4)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and clause 6.8(4)(c) of the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021 all questions and statements must relate to the purpose of the meeting.
  3. As the Information to be considered includes legal and commercial advice regarding a commercial redevelopment proposal, it is recommended that Council deal with the matter behind closed doors, in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.23, Local Government Act 1995.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3)

Advice date: 2 August 2022

Amendment No. 12 

No. 7 and 11 (Lots 50 and 35) Station Street, Cottesloe

Notice is hereby given that, at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 June 2022, Council resolved to note and comply with the order issued to the Town of Cottesloe made by the Minister for Planning to initiate the above mentioned scheme amendment.

Scheme Amendment No. 12 (No. 7 and 11 Station Street, Cottesloe) seeks to amend the R-Code applicable to the site from ‘R100’ to ‘RAC-0’ and amend Table 2 of LPS 3 by inserting new development requirements for the site, including an increase in permissible building height to up to ten (10) storeys, changes to setbacks and plot ratio controls and other land use and built form matters.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment are available below and at the Town of Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, during business hours (8.30am - 4.30pm).

Please contact Planning Services on tel: 9285 5000 if you would like to discuss the scheme amendment with a Planning Officer.

To find out more and make a submission visit the consultations page on this website -

Comments must be lodged with the Town before 4:30pm on Monday, 10 October 2022.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Intention to Levy Differential Rates

Advice date: 29 June 2022

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2022/2023 financial year.

Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows:

Differential Rate Category

Rate in the $

Minimum Rate

Differential Rate – Town Centre Commercial (GRV)



The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre.

The rate in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations of any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.

A statement describing the objects of and reasons for this differential rate are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 or on the Town’s website here.

Written submissions on the proposed differential rate close at 4pm on Wednesday 20 July 2022 should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or to

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Notice of Acceptance of Annual Report

Advice date: 23 February 2022

In accordance with section 5.55 of the Local Government Act 1995, notice is hereby given that the 2020/2021 Annual Report was accepted by Council on 22 February 2022. 

Copies of the Annual Report are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website at

Notice of Annual General Meeting of Electors

Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at 6:00pm

Advice date: 23 February 2022

Electors of the Town of Cottesloe are invited to attend the Town of Cottesloe’s Annual General Meeting of Electors, to be held on Wednesday, 9 March in the War Memorial Hall, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, commencing at 6.00pm.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the contents of the 2020/2021 Annual Report (incorporating the 2020/2021 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report) and any other general business.

COVID-19 restrictions will be in place (in line with directions at the time) and it’s likely that there will be capacity limits in the War Memorial Hall. We kindly ask that those wishing to attend the meeting to register here or phone the Town on 9285 5000.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer




Advice date: 3 December 2021

Purpose:  To correct minor typographical and non-industry standard clauses within the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021.

Effect:  To ensure that all Council meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings as described in the Local Government Act 1995, and the use of the Council’s Common Seal, are governed by the amended Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or written law.

A copy of the Amendment Local Law is available for inspection at the Town of Cottesloe Office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Public Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website under Local Laws.

This local law was published in the Government Gazette on Friday, 3 December 2021 and will come into operation on Friday, 17 December 2021.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Ordinary Council Meeting and Agenda Forum Dates 2022

Advice date: 6 December 2021

Council has adopted the following meeting dates for 2022. All the meetings will take place on a Tuesday:

Agenda Forum

Commencing 6:00 PM in the

Council Chambers

Ordinary Council Meeting

Commencing 6:00 PM in the

Council Chambers

15 February

22 February

15 March

22 March

19 April

26 April

17 May

24 May

21 June

28 June

19 July

26 July

16 August

23 August

20 September

27 September

18 October

25 October

15 November

22 November

6 December

13 December

 Note – Agenda Forums take place on the Tuesday prior to the Council Meetings.

The agenda for the Meetings will be available on the Town’s website on the Friday prior to each meeting. The agendas will also be available at the Town’s office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer

Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Amendment Local Law 2021

Local Government Act 1995 s3.12

Advice date: 04 October 2021

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make an amendment to the Local Government (Meetings Procedure) Local Law 2021.

Purpose:  To correct minor typographical and non-industry standard clauses within the Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law 2021.

Effect: To ensure that all Council meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings as described in the Local Government Act 1995, and the use of the Council’s Common Seal, are governed by the amended Town of Cottesloe Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or written law. 

A copy of the Local Law is available for inspection at the Town of Cottesloe Office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Public Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website here.

Submissions about the Local Government (Meeting Procedure) Amendment Local Law 2021 may be made to the Town of Cottesloe on or before Friday, 19 November 2021 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or by email to   

Matthew Scott

Chief Executive Officer 

North Street Store – Building Act Compliance

Advice date: 2 September 2021

At the August Council Meeting, Council resolved as follows:

That Council REQUESTS the CEO to publish on the Town’s website a summary of the material facts and the reasons for the Officer’s Recommendation in respect of the prosecution against Do a Dinner Pty Ltd, as resolved in item 13.1.1 at Council’s July Ordinary Council meeting.

The Town considers that the provisions of the Building Act 2011 may have been contravened in the following respects:

  1. Carrying out building works within the building without a valid building permit.
  2. Occupying the building without a valid Occupancy Permit.
Carrying out works without a building permit

Building work, unless otherwise exempt, is not permitted to be carried out without a building permit.

Section 9 of the Building Act 2011.

Occupying  a building without an Occupancy Permit

A class 6 building is not permitted to be occupied without a valid occupancy permit.

Section 43(2) of the Building Act 2011.

The Town has been in ongoing correspondence with the proprietors about these matters for some time.  Further, the proprietors were made aware of the relevant building requirements during the proceedings in the State Administrative Tribunal.

Building Act 2011 Obligations

As a permit authority under the Building Act 2011, the Town has a general duty and obligation to enforce the provisions of the Building Act 2011. Where building works have been carried out without requisite building permits, or a building is being used and occupied without a requisite occupancy permit, the use and occupation of that building may present a risk to staff and patrons. In the event the Town takes no action to address those issues, the use and occupation of that building also presents a risk to the Town.

North Street Store – Building Act Compliance

Advice date: 2 September 2021

At the August Council Meeting, Council resolved as follows:

That Council REQUESTS the CEO to publish on the Town’s website a summary of the material facts and the reasons for the Officer’s Recommendation in respect of the prosecution against Do a Dinner Pty Ltd, as resolved in item 13.1.1 at Council’s July Ordinary Council meeting.

The Town considers that the provisions of the Building Act 2011 may have been contravened in the following respects:

  1. Carrying out building works within the building without a valid building permit.
  2. Occupying the building without a valid Occupancy Permit.
Carrying out works without a building permit

Building work, unless otherwise exempt, is not permitted to be carried out without a building permit.

Section 9 of the Building Act 2011.

Occupying  a building without an Occupancy Permit

A class 6 building is not permitted to be occupied without a valid occupancy permit.

Section 43(2) of the Building Act 2011.

The Town has been in ongoing correspondence with the proprietors about these matters for some time.  Further, the proprietors were made aware of the relevant building requirements during the proceedings in the State Administrative Tribunal.

Building Act 2011 Obligations

As a permit authority under the Building Act 2011, the Town has a general duty and obligation to enforce the provisions of the Building Act 2011. Where building works have been carried out without requisite building permits, or a building is being used and occupied without a requisite occupancy permit, the use and occupation of that building may present a risk to staff and patrons. In the event the Town takes no action to address those issues, the use and occupation of that building also presents a risk to the Town.


Advice date: 2021

The Town of Cottesloe is calling for community members to nominate for its committees and working groups. Nominations can be made on the Town’s website until 5pm on Friday, 3 December 2021.

Members of the local community are encouraged to nominate for a position on one of eight community working groups. This is an ideal opportunity to get involved and provide your input.

Positions have become vacant as of 16 October 2021 (Local Government Election day) and members of the community are encouraged to nominate for the following;

  • Active Transport Working Group
  • Audit Committee
  • Design Review Panel
  • Foreshore Precinct Advisory Committee
  • Public Open Space Working Group
  • Reconciliation Action Working Group
  • Task Force on Residential and Recreational Verge Uses
  • Universal Access and Inclusion Community Reference Group

To nominate please proceed to the online form - Committee and Working Group Nomination Form

For more information on these committees and working groups including charters and terms of reference, please refer to the Town of Cottesloe website Committees and Working Groups

Local Government Ordinary Postal Election - Election Results

Advice date: 18 October 2021

Congratulations to newly appointed Mayor Lorraine Young (previously Deputy Mayor and in the position of Acting Mayor for the past few months) and Councillors Brad Wylynko (East Ward), and Chilla Bulbeck (South Ward).

Congratulations also to returning Councillors Melissa Harkins (Central Ward) and Helen Sadler (North Ward). 

Cr Helen Sadler voted into the position of Deputy Mayor for the term of 2021-2025.

A full list of results can be found here - Election Results

Notice of Special Council Meeting

Advice date: 15 October 2021

A Special Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 19 October 2021 at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.

 The purpose of the meeting will be for Council to consider the:

  • Swearing in of Elected Members
  • Election of Deputy Mayor
  • Seating at Meetings

The agenda will be available at the Town of Cottesloe Office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Public Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website at on Friday, 15 October 2021.

Lorraine Young

Acting Mayor

30 July 2021

Local Government Ordinary Postal Election - Election Notice

Advice date: 14 September 2021

The Town of Cottesloe is holding an election by postal vote on Saturday, 16 October 2021 to fill vacancies in the offices of Mayor and Councillors as listed below:

District - Mayor
YOUNG, Lorraine
Central Ward - 1 Councillor North Ward - 1 Councillor
HARKINS, Melissa LEE-STEERE, Augustus
East Ward - 1 Councillor South Ward - 1 Councillor
TUCAK, Michael BULBECK, Chilla

Election Packages will be sent to all electors on the local government electoral roll where there is an election in their electorate.

Replacement Packages can be obtained from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe during business hours prior to election day or at the polling place in the district between 8.00am to 6.00pm on election day if the package is not received or should any papers be missing.

Post your vote early. Completed postal voting packages must reach the Returning Officer by 6.00pm on election day, Saturday, 16 October 2021.

You may hand deliver your package to an electoral officer at the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe during business hours before election day or at the polling place in the district between 8.00am and 6.00pm on election day.

Chief Polling Place:

Town of Cottesloe Lesser Hall, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE

The count of votes will commence at 6.00pm at the Town of Cottesloe Lesser Hall, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE.



13 63 06


Advice date: 30 August 2021

Notice is given that a Special Council Meeting will be held for Council to determine whether complaint 03/21 and/or complaint 04/21 should be rejected as inappropriate under Council's Complaints Management Policy or should be dismissed under clause 13 of Council's Code of Conduct, or should otherwise be dealt with by Council, in order to avoid unnecessary costs to the Town.

Special Council Meeting

Date: Monday, 30 August 2021

Time: 7:30 pm

Location: Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.


Advice date: 23 August 2021

Local Government Ordinary Election Call For Nominations
Town of Cottesloe

An Ordinary Postal Election will be held on Saturday, 16 October 2021 in the Town of Cottesloe to fill the following vacancies:




4 year term 

Central Ward



4 year term

East Ward



4 year term

North Ward



4 year term

South Ward



4 year term

Nominations Open on Thursday, 2 September 2021Nominations Open on Thursday, 2 September 2021

Nominations Close at 4:00 PM Thursday, 9  September 2021

Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer:

  • at any time during the above period by arrangement; or

  • between 2:00pm and 4:00pm Thursday, 9 September 2021 (close of nominations) at the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, COTTESLOE.

Nominations Requirements

  • Candidates are required to lodge with the Returning Officer:

a completed nomination in the prescribed form, signed and witnessed. This form is available from the Returning Officer or the Western Australian Electoral Commission(;

  • a single A4 page profile of not more than 800 characters (including spaces) containing information about the candidate;

  • a nomination deposit of $80 (cash, bank cheque or postal order);

  • (optional) a recent passport-sized photograph of the candidate’s head, or head and shoulders; and

  • every candidate must have completed the online course titled Induction for prospective candidates, available at, prior to nominating.

The Commission has developed an online system called Nomination Builder to assist candidates to complete their nomination form which includes the candidate profile. This is the preferred method of completing the nomination form and profile for elections conducted by the Commission. Candidates complete their nomination details and profile, print the completed form which has a reference number allocated and lodge it with the Returning Officer. The nomination builder can be accessed via

Where an agent lodges a nomination on a candidate’s behalf, it must be in the prescribed form with a written authorisation signed by the candidate.

The documents may be hand delivered or posted to the Returning Officer and must be received by the close of nominations.

Full details about eligibility and nomination procedures for prospective candidates can be obtained by contacting the Returning Officer, Lisa WILKINSON on 0458 812 009 or the Western Australian Electoral Commission on 13 63 06.



Advice date: 10 August 2021

Local Government Ordinary Election

Close of Enrolment

Town of Cottesloe
ROLL CLOSE: 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021

You may be eligible to be enrolled to vote in the local government elections on 16 October 2021 if you live in or are an owner or occupier of rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe.

You are automatically enrolled to vote if you are on the State Electoral Roll as at 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021. If you are not already on the State Electoral Roll and meet the eligibility criteria, or if you have changed address recently, you must complete an enrolment form.

Enrolment Forms
Electoral enrolment forms are available from the Town of Cottesloe, all Australian Electoral Commission offices ( or the Western Australian Electoral Commission ( and must be completed and reach a Divisional Returning Officer in Western Australia by 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021.

Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers
If you are a non-resident owner or occupier of rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe and are on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, you are eligible to enrol to vote. If you are not on the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll and own or occupy rateable property in the Town of Cottesloe you may be eligible to enrol to vote. This applies if you were on the last electoral roll for the Town of Cottesloe prior to May 1996 and have owned or occupied rateable property in the district continuously since this time. Please contact your local government for details. Owners of land who were on the last Local Government roll continue to retain that status until they cease to own the rateable property to which the enrolment relates. Occupiers do not have continuous enrolment and should contact the Town of Cottesloe to confirm their enrolment status. To be eligible to enrol as an occupier, you will need to have a right of continuous occupation under a lease, tenancy agreement or other legal instrument for at least the next three months following the date of the application to enrol.

Joint Owners and Occupiers
If a rateable property is owned or occupied by more than two people, a majority of the owners/occupiers may nominate two persons from amongst themselves who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll, to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

A body corporate that owns or occupies rateable property may nominate two people who are on either the State or Commonwealth Electoral Roll to enrol as owner/occupier electors.

Enrolment Forms – Non-Resident Owners and Occupiers Only
Enrolment forms can be obtained from local governments and must be lodged with the Chief Executive Officer by 5:00 PM Friday, 27 August 2021. Further information can be obtained from the Town of Cottesloe.

13 62 06


Advice date: Thursday 30 July 2021

Local Government Act 1995 s  1.7

A Special Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 3 August 2021 at 5:00pm in the Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.The purpose of the meeting will be for Council to consider the

  • Annual Budget 2021/22;

  • SDAU Development Application - 120 Marine Parade, Cottesloe.

The agenda will be available at the Town of Cottesloe Office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Public Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website at on Friday, 30 July 2021.


Advice date: Monday 12 July 2021

Local Government Act 1995 s 6.36

In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2021/2022 financial year.Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows: 

Differential Rate Category Rate in the $ Minimum Rate
Differential General Rate (GRV) 0.071001 $1,202
Differential Rate – Town Centre Commercial (GRV) 0.082283 $1,202

The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre.The rates in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations of any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply. A statement describing the objects of and reasons for this differential rate are available from the Town of Cottesloe, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe WA 6011 or on the Town’s website

Written submissions on the proposed differential rate close at 4pm on Monday, 2 August 2021 should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or


Task Force on Residential and Recreational Verge Uses

Expressions of interest are being sought from community members interested in becoming a community representative on the Task Force on Residential and Recreational Verge Uses.The purpose of this Committee is to assist Council in developing either a new or revision of an existing policy to provide an approval and management solution relating to the installation of recreational play equipment and other infrastructure by residents on Council controlled verges. Council will appoint three members from the community to the Task Force. If you are interested in being a community representative please submit an application before 5pm on Sunday, 11 July 2021. (Closed)

Task Force on Residential and Recreational Verge Uses – Application Form


Notice is given that a Special Council Meeting will be held to consider a change to Resolution OCM051/2021 to reconsider public consultation on the proposed location and design of the Toilet Facility within the Foreshore Redevelopment Design.

Special Council Meeting

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

6pm War Memorial Hall, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe


Advice date: Monday 29 March 2021

Local Government Act 1995 s 5.29 (1)

Electors are invited to attend the Electors’ General Meeting for the 2019/2020 Financial Year.  The meeting will be held at 6.00pm, Thursday 22 April 2021 at the Town of Cottesloe’s War Memorial Hall (109 Broome Street, Cottesloe).

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the contents of the 2019/2020 Annual Report incorporating the 2019/2020 Annual Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report, and any other general business.

The Electors’ General Meeting Agenda can be viewed on the Town’s Webpage.

The Annual Report incorporating the Annual Financial Statements can be viewed on the Town’s website. Hard copies are available at the Town’s Administration Centre (109 Broome Street, Cottesloe) and Grove Library (1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove).

Any enquiries may be directed to the Town on 9285 5000.


Advice date: Tuesday 9 March 2021

Local Government Act 1995 s 3.12

In accordance with section 3.12(6)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe has resolved to make a Local Government (Meetings Procedure) Local Law 2021 (click here to view).

Purpose:  To provide for the orderly conduct of the proceedings and business of the Council, and for the safe custody and use of the Council’s Common Seal.

Effect:       To ensure that all Council meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings as described in the Local Government Act 1995, and the use of    the Council’s Common Seal, are governed by this Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or written law. 

A copy of the Local Law is available for inspection at the Town of Cottesloe Office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, the Grove Public Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove and on the Town’s website at

This local law was published in the Government Gazette on Tuesday, 9 March 2021 and will come into operation on Tuesday, 23 March 2021.


Notice is given that a Special Council Meeting will be held to consider a change and extension of the non-confirming use of lot 8(16) North Street (North Street Store).

As the matter under consideration includes reference to legal advice, that portion of the Special Council Meeting will be closed to the public.

Special Council Meeting

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

2pm Council Chambers, Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe


Council has adopted the following meeting dates for 2021. All the meetings will take place on a Tuesday:

Agenda Forum

Commencing 6:00 PM in the

War Memorial Hall

Ordinary Council Meeting

Commencing 6:00 PM in the

War Memorial Hall

16 February

23 February

16 March

23 March

20 April

27 April

18 May

25 May

15 June

22 June

20 July

27 July

17 August

24 August

21 September

28 September

19 October

26 October

16 November

23 November

7 December

14 December

Note – Agenda Forums take place on the Tuesday prior to the Council Meetings.

The agenda for the Meetings will be available on the Town’s website on the Friday prior to each meeting. The agendas will also be available at the Town’s office, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.


Local Government Act 1995 s 3.12

In accordance with section 3.12(3)(a) of the Local Government Act 1995, Local Public Notice is hereby given that the Town of Cottesloe proposes to make a Local Government (Meetings Procedure) Local Law 2021.

The purpose of the Local Law is to provide for the orderly conduct of the proceedings and business of the Council, and for the safe custody and use of the Council’s Common Seal. The effect of the Local Law is to ensure that all Council meetings, committee meetings, and other meetings as described in the Local Government Act 1995, and the use of Council’s Common Seal, are governed by the Local Law unless otherwise provided in the Act, regulations or other written law.

A copy of the proposed Local Law may be inspected or obtained from the Town’s Administration office at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove. It can also be viewed here.

Submissions about the proposed local law may be made to the Town of Cottesloe on or before Friday, 22 January 2021 and should be addressed to the undersigned by mail to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or email to


In accordance with Section 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Town of Cottesloe hereby gives notice of its intention to impose differential rates for the 2020/2021 financial year. Details of the proposed differential rates are as follows:

Differential Rate Category

Rate in the $

Minimum Rate

Differential General Rate (GRV)



Differential Rate – Town Centre Commercial (GRV)



The reason for the imposition of this differential rate is for the economic development of the Cottesloe Town Centre. The rates in the dollar ($) shown above are estimates and may be changed as part of Council’s deliberations of any submissions received. All normal statutory entitlements in relation to rates rebates for pensioner and other concession holders will apply.


Fire Break Notice 2020/2021 

Notice to all owners and occupiers of land in the following local Authorities City of Nedlands, Town of Mosman Park, Town of Claremont, Town of Cottesloe and the Shire of Peppermint Grove.

To prevent the outbreak, spread or extension of a bush fire which may occur, all owners and occupiers of land within the local Authorities district are required to on or before the 30th day of November 2020, or within 14 days of becoming an owner or occupier after that date:

Residential Land - Slash all grass and clear all inflammable matter on the land to a height no greater than 50mm and to maintain all grass and all inflammable matter on the land at a height no greater than 50mm up to and including the 31st day of March 2021. 

All Other Land - Slash all grass and clear all inflammable matter on the land to a height no greater than 50mm, for a width of no less than three metres (3m), immediately inside the external boundaries of the property. In addition, trees must be trimmed back to provide a vertical clearance of a minimum three and a half metres (3.5m) to allow fire appliances to drive along the firebreak.

If it is impracticable for any reason to clear firebreaks or take measures in accordance with this notice, you may apply in writing to your Council before the 15th day of November 2020 for permission to implement alternative measures to prevent the outbreak or spread of a bush fire. If permission is not granted in writing by your Council, you shall comply with the requirements of this notice.

Pursuant to the powers contained in the Bush Fires Act 1954, burning garden refuse and lighting fires in the open air is prohibited. 

An owner or occupier of the land who fails or neglects to comply with the requisitions of a notice given pursuant to section 33 of the Bush Fires Act 1954 within the time specified in the notice, commits an offence and is liable to a penalty of $5,000. A person in default is also liable, whether prosecuted or not, to pay the cost of performing the work directed in this notice if it is not carried out by the owner or occupier by the date required by this notice.. 

Verge Maintenance- Your Council principally rely on residents for the improvement and maintenance of nature strips. Council encourages nature strips to be maintained by the adjacent owner/occupier in support of the Bush Fires Act requirements under this notice.

By Order City of Nedlands


Mark Goodlet, Chief Executive Officer

By Order Town of Mosman Park


Carissa Bywater, Chief Executive Officer

By Order Town of Claremont


Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer

By Order Town of Cottesloe


Matthew Scott, Chief Executive Officer

By Order Shire of Peppermint Grove