Advertised Development Applications 


Information and plans for development applications currently open for public consultation are available below.

If you have any queries regarding the proposals, or wish to make an appointment to view the plans with a Council planner, please contact the Town’s Planning Services on 9285 5000 or

Lot 20| DP:5627 (#22) Rosser Street, Cottesloe - proposed home occupation (holistic Veterinarian)

The Town has received an application for a home occupation at  22 Rosser Street, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans - Lot 20 (#22) Rosser Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4663 on or before 16 January 2025.

SL:12 | SP:8573(#12/14) McNamara Way, Cottesloe - proposed short term rental accommodation (unhosted)

The Town has received an application for a short term rental accommodation at  12/14 McNamara Way, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans - 12/14 McNamara Way, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4694 on or before 24 January 2025.

Lot 31| DP: 1348 (#8) Elizabeth Street, Cottesloe - proposed outbuilding (rear shed) 

Discretionary aspects:

  • Boundary wall - length (east)
  • Outbuilding (wall height) 

Plans and documents: 

Plans - Lot 31 (#8) Elizabeth Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4685 on or before 22 January 2025.

Lot 19 | DP: 5932 (#4) Overton Gardens, Cottesloe - proposed two storey single house with undercroft garage/store 

Discretionary aspects:

  • Private open space (primary garden area)
  • Solar access and natural ventilation
  • Parking
  • Lot boundary setbacks
  • Visual privacy

Plans and documents: 

Applicant Letter - Lot 19 (#4) Overton Gardens, Cottesloe

Plans - Lot 19 (#4) Overton Gardens, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4580 on or before 30 January 2025.

SL:1 | SP:14439 (#1/12) John Street, Cottesloe - proposed short term rental accommodation (serviced apartment for re-approval on Unit 1)

The Town has received an application for re-approval on a short term rental accommodation at  1/12 John Street, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans & Justification - 1/12 John Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4704 on or before 5 February 2025.

SL:4 | SP:14439 (#4/12) John Street, Cottesloe - proposed short term rental accommodation (serviced apartment for re-approval on Unit 4)

The Town has received an application for re-approval on a short term rental accommodation at  4/12 John Street, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans and Information - 4/12 John Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4703 on or before 7 February 2025.

SL:1 | SP:37143 (#1/14) Warnham Road, Cottesloe - proposed short term rental accommodation (unhosted)

The Town has received an application for a short term rental accommodation at  1/14 Warnham Road, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans - 1/14 Warnham Road, Cottesloe

Documents - 1/14 Warnham Road, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4669 on or before 7 February 2025.

SL:6 | SP:17341 (#6/6) Eric Street, Cottesloe - proposed short term rental accommodation (unhosted)

The Town has received an application for a short term rental accommodation at  6/6 Eric Street, Cottesloe.  Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3.  The Town is therefore inviting public comments.

Plans and documents: 

Plans and Information - 6/6 Eric Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4710 on or before 7 February 2025.

Lot 37| DP: 2371 (#7) Geraldine Street, Cottesloe - proposed additions and alterations to a two storey dwelling 

Discretionary aspects:

  • Lot boundary setback (east and west)
  • Boundary wall (east - garage) 
  • Street walls and fences (west - dividing wall)
  • Sightlines (east - driveway) 
  • Landscaping (within the street setback area) 
  • Vehicular access (street tree relocation)
  • Site works (east - excavation for staircase)
  • Visual privacy (east and west)

Plans and documents: 

Letter - Lot 37 (#7) Geraldine Street, Cottesloe

Plans - Lot 37 (#7) Geraldine Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4675 on or before 9 February 2025.

Lot 38 | DP: 11297 (#38) Pearse Street, Cottesloe - proposed two storey dwelling 

Discretionary aspects:

  • Street setback
  • Lot boundary setbacks (east and west) 
  • Boundary wall (east - games room)
  • Site works (west - evacuation) 
  • Visual privacy (east and west)

Plans and documents: 

Letter - Lot 38 (#38) Pearse Street, Cottesloe

Plans - Lot 38 (#38) Pearse Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4691 on or before 9 February 2025.

SL: 2| DP: 10812 (#2/13) Salvado Street, Cottesloe - proposed additions and alterations  

Discretionary aspects:

  • Lot boundary setback (east and south)
  • Setback of carport from right-of-way (south) 
  • Sightlines (carport)
  • Visual privacy (west and south for deck) 

Plans and documents: 

Letters - (#2/13) Salvado Street, Cottesloe

Plans - (#2/13) Salvado Street, Cottesloe

Have your say: 

If you have any feedback, please provide your comments in writing (via email or post/hand delivery), quoting ref: DA 4649 on or before 10 February 2025.