Local Services
Local Services
For a list of local disability services available in the Cottesloe area please click the Local Services heading above or for more information please contact the Town's Community Development Officer on (08) 9285 5000.
Disability Services
There are many agencies within the Town of Cottesloe that provide services and facilities for people with disability. For help in accessing these services, please contact the Disability Services Commission.
Beach Wheelchair
Beach Wheelchairs
For information about Beach Wheelchairs available at Cottesloe Beach and North Cottesloe Beach for members of the public to loan please click the Heading above: 'Beach Wheelchairs'. If you would prefer to receive the information by email, please email the Town on town@cottesloe.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9285 5000.
Changing Places
Find a Changing Places Toilet here
ACROD Parking Permit
If you have a temporary or permanent disability, you can apply for an ACROD parking permit.
To be eligible for a permit, you must:
- Have a severe mobility impairment, where walking more than 50 metres causes the physical condition to deteriorate and/or
- Require a mobility/medical aid (e.g. wheelchair, crutches, walking frame or oxygen), which necessitates a wide bay for ease in an out of a vehicle.
For further information on ACROD Parking and how to apply for a permit visit ACROD.
National Public Toilet Map
As part of the National Continence Program and provided by the Department of Health, the Toilet Map provides information on over 16,000 publicly available toilets across Australia, including accessibility, opening hours and facilities, such as showers and baby change.
As part of the website features, residents and visitors to Cottesloe can search for facilities located in Cottesloe.
To view the locations of all public toilets, visit toiletmap.gov.au.
Carers Support
Carers play a vital role in our community. Their commitment and dedication help thousands of people to maintain a level of independence and normalcy in their lives. As such, we support carers several ways.
Disability Gateway
The Disability Gateway has information and services to help people with disability, their family, friends and carers, to find the support they need in Australia.
Business Access Information
Business Access Information
For information on understanding disability, improving access to your business and employing people with a disability.
Translating and Interpreting Service
Translating and Interpreting Service is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
To find out more visit the Translating and Interpreting Service website.
National Relay Services
The National Relay Service is a government initiative that allows people who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or have a speech impairment to make and receive phone calls.
To find out more visit the National Relay Service website.
Inclusion WA
Inclusion WA works alongside individuals, community groups and government organisations to facilitate social inclusion.
To find out more visit the Inclusion WA website.
More Information
Other agencies who can help are: