Local Emergency Management Arrangements

Town of Cottesloe Local Recovery Plan

The Town of Cottesloe’s Local Recovery Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 41(4) of the Emergency Management Act 2005, and forms part of the Local Emergency Management Arrangements for the Town of Cottesloe.

 The Emergency Management Act 2005 (“the Act”) became effective on 23 December 2005. The Act places responsibility on each local government to:

  1. Establish an active Local Emergency Management Committee;
  2. Prepare a Local Recovery Plan for the Town of Cottesloe;
  3. Prepare and maintain Local Emergency Managements Arrangements;
  4. Appoint a Local Recovery Coordinator for the purposes of the Act; and
  5. Manage recovery activities within their district.

Western Central Local Emergency Management Arrangements - 2024

Town of Cottesloe Local Recovery Plan

Western Central Local Emergency Management Arrangements

The Western Central Local Emergency Management Arrangements have been created by members of the Western Central Local Emergency Management Committee (WCLEMC). The WCLEMC consists of representatives from the Towns of Cambridge, Claremont, Cottesloe and Mosman Park, the Cities of Vincent, Nedlands and Subiaco and the Shire of Peppermint Grove. In addition to local government, the WCLEMC is comprised of representation from Police, Department of Fire and Emergency Service, Department for Child Protection, State Emergency Service, State Emergency Management Secretariat, Red Cross and State Health. The Arrangements outline the Committee’s plans to manage emergencies.

Western Central Local Emergency Management Arrangements