Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3) Amendment No. 12 (Closed)

Planning and Development Act 2005



No. 7 and 11 (Lots 50 and 35) Station Street, Cottesloe

Notice is hereby given that, at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 28 June 2022, Council resolved to note and comply with the order issued to the Town of Cottesloe made by the Minister for Planning to initiate the above mentioned scheme amendment.

Scheme Amendment No. 12 (No. 7 and 11 Station Street, Cottesloe) seeks to amend the R-Code applicable to the site from ‘R100’ to ‘RAC-0’ and amend Table 2 of LPS 3 by inserting new development requirements for the site, including an increase in permissible building height to up to ten (10) storeys, changes to setbacks and plot ratio controls and other land use and built form matters.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment are available below and at the Town of Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe, during business hours (8:30am - 4:30pm).

Please contact Planning Services on tel: 9285 5000 if you would like to discuss the scheme amendment with a Planning Officer.

How and when can I have a say?

If you would like to make a submission on the scheme amendment, please complete the form (Form 3A) below or alternatively email your submission to or by post (PO Box 606, Cottesloe  WA  6011).

Comments must be lodged with the Town before 4:30pm on Monday, 10 October 2022.

Online Submission Form (Form 3A)

Related Documents

Scheme Amendment Report

Council Minutes 28 June 2022

Submission Form (Form 3A) - download a PDF