Review of Standing Orders Local Law (Closed)

The Town of Cottesloe provides local public notice inviting public submissions on its proposal to carry out a review of its Standing Orders local law.

Standing Orders are the rules for how meetings are to be conducted.

Copies of the local law are available for inspection here or at the Cottesloe Civic Centre (109 Broome Street) Cottesloe and the Grove Library (cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove).

Written submissions may be made prior to 4pm on Monday, 9 December 2019 and should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to or posted to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911.

Submissions will be considered and a report of the review will be provided to the council, where it will determine whether or not it considers that the local law should be repealed or amended.


Mat Humfrey

Chief Executive Officer