Proposed Long Term Cycle Network (Closed)

In August 2019, a draft Long Term Cycle Network (LTCN), which was based on the results of a resident route aspiration survey conducted in 2018, was developed for the Town of Cottesloe by the Department of Transport. The survey results can be accurately summarised as follows:

  • A majority of the 419 respondents were from Cottesloe with residents from different age groups being well represented;
  • 63% of respondents identified the lack of bike routes and 72% indicated the fear of sharing the road with vehicles as the main reasons that deter them from cycling; and
  • The four most popular routes for bike paths to be implemented were: Marine Parade (65%), Eric Street (41%), Grant Street (38%) and Broome Street (32%) 

The draft LTCN was accepted by Council at the September 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting and then submitted to the State Government for consideration, in conjunction with the development of a state wide LTCN.

The Department of Transport has recently completed this review and has provided the Town with a proposed Cottesloe LTCN for adoption by Council. The proposed Long Term Cycle Network (as endorsed by the State Government) and associated documents are now available to view and written submissions are invited. Submissions received will assist Council in their consideration of approving the final version of the strategy.

Submissions can be sent by email to (with the subject heading Cottesloe Long Term Cycle Network)

Submissions must be received by 4pm on Friday, 17 April 2020.


For more information please contact Shaun Kan the Town’s Manager of Engineering Services on 9285 5000 or alternatively by email to with the similar subject heading above.