Proposed Amendment to the Beaches and Beach Reserves Local Law (Closed)

The Town’s current Beaches and Beach Reserve Local Law 2012 currently prohibits shark fishing from Cottesloe beaches however enforcing this has proven problematic.

Additionally, Cottesloe Reef is a Fish Habitat Protection Area as declared by the Minister for Fisheries as having special ecological and community significance. As Cottesloe Reef is a Fish Habitat Protection Area, fishing for sharks in this area is prohibited.

At the February 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, Council resolved to advertise its intention to amend the Beaches and Beach Reserve Local Law 2012.

The purpose and effect of the proposed amendment is as follows:


The Purpose of this local law is to prohibit fishing with a line containing metal within the beach and beach reserves.


The Effect of this local law is to amend the Town of Cottesloe Beaches and Beach Reserves Local Law 2012 and prohibit fishing with a line containing metal within the beach and beach reserves.


The amendment to the principal local law is as follows:

In Part 7 after clause 7.1 insert –

7.2 Fishing by means of fishing line containing metal wire or chain prohibited

Within the defined area, a person must not fish by means of any fishing line that contains any metal wire or chain within 1 meter of any hook.

6. Schedule 1 amended

In Schedule 1 – Modified Penalties



Nature of Offence

Modified Penalty



Fishing by means of fishing line containing metal wire or chain


Copies of the proposed amended local law and documents relating to the proposed amendment are available below.

Hard copies are available at the Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe and the Grove Library, cnr Stirling Hwy and Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.

Written submissions on the proposed amended local law may be made prior to 4.00pm on Monday, 13 May 2019 and should be addressed to the undersigned and sent to or PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911.

Please note, submissions without a residential address will not be accepted.

Related Documents

26 February 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes (page 86 to page 90)

Draft Beaches and Beach Reserves Amendment Local Law 2019

Suggested Purpose and Effect for Draft Amendment Local Law

Advice on Draft Amendment Local Law

Department of Fisheries Fish Habitat Protection Area Brochure

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development website


Contact Details