Notice of Initiation of Scheme Amendment No. 11 to LPS 3 (Closed)

Scheme Amendment No.11 to Local Planning Scheme No 3 - John Curtin House

Scheme Amendment No.11 seeks to allow for Short Stay Accommodation and Community Purpose uses at Lot 400 No.24 Jarrad Street, Cottesloe. Council at its ordinary meeting held on 26 November 2019 resolved to endorse the proposed amendment for the purpose of advertising.

Community comments are sought until 30 March 2020, after which point the proposed amendment will be further considered by Council. If you would like to make a submission on the above proposal please do so by completing the Form 3A or by email to, before close of business on 30 March 2020.

Details of Draft Scheme Amendment No.11 and the 26 November 2019 Council Minutes are below:

Proposed Scheme Amendment 11 - Lot 400 No.24 Jarrad Street Cottesloe - Initiation

Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 26 November 2019 

Scheme Submission Form 3A - Amendment No. 11 - John Curtin House