Notice of Initiation of Scheme Amendment No. 10 to LPS 3 (Closed)

At its Ordinary Council Meeting of 26 February 2019 the Town resolved to initiate for the purposes of public advertising Local Planning Scheme Amendment No. 10 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 in accordance with s.35 of the Planning & Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015

Scheme Amendment No. 10  seeks to allow for an additional use of Medical Centre at Lot 50 (36) Eric Street, Cottesloe (Eric Street Local Centre).

Documentation containing details of the scheme amendment proposal is available below or for inspection during business hours (8.30am - 4.30pm) at the Town of Cottesloe Civic Centre, 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe. An additional copy has been deposited at the Grove Library, 1 Leake Street, Peppermint Grove.  Alternatively, copies of the proposal can be downloaded from the link below.

If you would like to make a submission on the proposal, please do so by completing Form 3A (below) or by email to before close of business on 31 May 2019.

Related Documents

Scheme Amendment No. 10

Online submission form

Submission Form


Contact Details

Name: Jana Joubert
