North Cottesloe Primary School Kiss and Drop Project (Closed)

The Town’s strategic community plan contains an adopted strategy to proactively pursue solutions for improved access to North Cottesloe Primary School, with the view to reducing congestion on Eric Street.  The Town’s adopted corporate plan outlines actions to achieve this strategy to develop a costed project that relocates the school’s parking and drop off point from Eric Street to Railway Street.

Therefore, the Town seeks your feedback on the proposed relocation of the Kiss and Drop facility for North Cottesloe Primary School, comprising of the realignment of Railway Street and construction of a car park and kiss and drop facility, to improve safety for pedestrians cyclists and motorists and reduce some of the traffic congestion in the current North Cottesloe Primary School, Eric St. drop off/pick-up zone.
The estimated cost of the project is $550,000.  The Town has budgeted up to $350,000. The Town will seek Federal (Roads to Recovery) and State Government funding for the project.
The Town engaged an independent Traffic expert to review the concept plan and to suggest alternatives.  The expert fully supported and endorsed this plan as an effective solution to improve safe access and reduce traffic congestion.

The project will commit to protecting the mature trees in the affected area and to increase the tree canopy with additional planting in the area.”
This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. To assist you with your feedback it is important that you review the concept plan and 'Frequently Asked Questions'below
This project is consistent with the Town's  Strategic Community Plan 2013 - 2023
Priority Area 2 - Achieving Connectivity Between East and West
Major Strategy 2.4 - Proactively pursue solutions for improved access to North Cottesloe Primary School, with a view of reducing congestion on Eric Street.
Take the Survey