Independent Review of Local Development Plan (Closed)

The Town advises that in April 2018, it commissioned CLE Town Planning + Design to undertake an independent review of the Local Development Plan (LDP) proposed for Lots 24 & 25 Railway Street. The LDP was lodged by the landowner on 30 January 2018. The preparation of the LDP was required as a condition of an Amendment to the Town’s Local Planning Scheme No.3 which changed the residential density of the subject lots from R20 to R60.

In carrying out an independent review of the LDP, CLE has applied a design-led methodology and has prepared a revised LDP which is informed by the conditions of the site and the applicable planning framework.

Submissions can be emailed to, or posted to PO Box 606, Cottesloe WA 6911 or delivered in person to the Town’s Administration Centre at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe during business hours. Submissions close Friday 10 August 2018. 

Following advertising, and subject to submissions, the revised LDP will be considered by Council at an Agenda Forum and Full Council Meeting.