Foreshore Detailed Design - Toilet Facility (Closed)
Posted: 05/05/2021 Closing Date: 19/05/2021 05:00 PM
The Town of Cottesloe would like to hear from our community about a proposed new toilet facility for the Cottesloe foreshore.
The public toilet facility was presented to Council at the March 2021 Council Meeting with the 100% detail design of the Cottesloe Foreshore Master Plan. At that meeting Council resolved to accept the 100% Foreshore Redevelopment Design. At a Special Council Meeting held in April, Council resolved to accept the toilet facility concept for the purposes of community consultation.
The Town is now seeking feedback on both the concept design and location on the foreshore.
The proposed new toilet facility has been designed by ASPECT Studios with these design principles in mind;
- designed using limestone materials that are in keeping with the limestone structures along the foreshore such as the limestone walls, terraces and Sundial;
- located on the foreshore opposite Napier Street, adjacent to the proposed play equipment as part of the Foreshore upgrade detail design;
- the small and efficient building footprint ( 7m long x 4m wide and 7m in height) minimises impact on the foreshore; and
- the new toilet facility will complement the existing Indiana toilets and change rooms.
Further information is available below. Please provide your feedback via a short survey by 5pm on Wednesday, 19 May 2021. Feedback received will be presented at an upcoming meeting for Council to determine the future of the proposed new facility.