In June 2020 the Town undertook a survey to obtain community feedback in relation to a proposed skate park within Cottesloe.
Question 3 of this survey was open to all participants and asked ‘Do you think Cottesloe would benefit from having a skate park?’
1,787 Cottesloe residents responded to this question (representing approximately 24% of the Cottesloe community).
Of these respondents, 1,452 (81.25%) indicated they did think Cottesloe would benefit from having a skate park, while 335 (18.75%) of these respondents did not support a skate park within Cottesloe.
In October 2020, Council acknowledged this strong demand for a skate facility and asked for a consultant to be engaged to review previous work to determine the future steps for the project.
Recent Works
In November 2020, Convic was engaged to complete the review works and an executive summary of its report was presented at the March 2021 Meeting. At that meeting it was decided that John Black Dune and the northern end of the future redeveloped Cottesloe Foreshore’s recreational area were the two locations that were suitable for a district size skate park of approximately 600-800 m2 (shown in the attached map below) and this be the subject of community workshops. A district size skate park facility is intended to cater primarily for Cottesloe children and a facility this size will provide sufficient levels of variety and challenge for learners and more competent skaters.
These workshops were undertaken independently through a consultant in May 2021 and this survey is to obtain the views of the wider community where feedback received will be provided to Council to make a determination.
Further information can be found in the attached Convic Executive Summary including their Feasibility Report together with The Space Station’s Workshop Summary Report.
Site Feasibility and Limitations
Foreshore Recreational Area
It is noted that some workshop participants raised concerns that a skate park could not fit within the foreshore area due to the location of some Norfolk Island pine trees. There are many examples in Australia and in other parts of the world where skate parks have been designed around existing trees. There is potential for this location to accommodate a district sized skate park without impacting these trees.
John Black Dune Reserve and Car Park
A skate park within John Black Dune could be built adjacent to Cottesloe Tennis Club and in a central location north to south as shown in the diagram. This allows the skate park to be at the furthest point from residents, with clear surveillance from the Tennis Club and courts. The reserve could also be rejuvenated as part of this project to improve the safety aspect.
The John Black Dune Car Park (also known as Car Park 2) site could not be considered as Council has approved the future redevelopment of this site as part of the foreshore improvement project (Approved Foreshore Masterplan Concept).
Railway Reserve
Land adjacent to the railway line was been deemed not suitable for skate facilities for the following reasons:
The land is owned by the Perth Transport Authority (PTA) and any arrangement between the PTA and the Town would involve a licence with a 6-month break-clause at the PTA’s option.
Any capital improvements on the land will be at the Town’s financial risk and the State Government or any of its agencies will not be liable for compensation or financial assistance to relocate the skate park if the licence is terminated.
This creates an unacceptable financial risk for the Town that cannot be insured against.
This information has been confirmed to the Town in writing.
Given the above, the community would find itself faced with the same issues as it presently faces in terms of finding an alternative location should there be the need to relocate from the railway reserve.
Furthermore, skate park facilities may attract funding from external sources and it is intended to seek funding for all or part of the cost from such sources. The likelihood of obtaining such funding would be severely reduced if the Town has inadequate tenure security over the land on which the skate park is to be built.
Seaview Golf Course
Any land within the Sea View golf course area has been deemed not suitable due to the already identified safety issue of conflict of users and risk of injury caused by stray golf balls
Grant Marine Park
The site is too small to accommodate both a playground and a skate park.
Cottesloe foreshore redevelopment car park one
A major redesign of the project would be required.
Recreational Precinct south western corner of Broome Street and Jarrad Street Intersection
The location would be too close to residents on the eastern side of Broome Street.
Have Your Say
We would like to hear from our community on a preferred location for a skate park facility in Cottesloe - John Black Dune Reserve or the Cottesloe foreshore (location within the future redeveloped Cottesloe foreshore recreational area).
Community workshops based on identifying a preferred location from the two sites resolved by Council (John Black Dune and the Cottesloe foreshore) have been completed. All residents and rate payers in the Town of Cottesloe are now being given the opportunity to provide their feedback on this.
Town of Cottesloe residents, rate payers and business owners.
This survey closes on Sunday, 22 August 2021 at 4:00pm.