If you require any changes to your current bin service or a replacement bin, please refer to

FOGO BinYour lime green lidded Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) bin will be emptied WEEKLY. 

Material collected from the FOGO bin is sent for composting; therefore any contaminants (plastic bags, garden tools, beverage containers etc.) are a problem.  High levels of contamination may result in the entire garbage truck being sent to landfill, which leads to increased costs and produces methane, which damages the environment.

Most properties in Cottesloe changed to the 3 bin FOGO waste system in June 2022. Some larger strata properties are not yet on the FOGO waste system, and any green lid bins will continue to be collected fortnightly and their general waste will be collected weekly.

What can go in the FOGO Bin?

The following items should be placed in your green topped bin for composting:

  • Grass Clippings
  • Small pruning's 
  • Plants, flowers and weeds
  • Small branches
  • Twigs, bark and leaves
  • Food waste including fruit, vegetables, meat, seafood, bread and dairy
  • Food scraps including egg shells, bones and spoiled food
  • Tea bags and coffee grinds.

Please ensure all plastic packaging is removed, as this cannot go in the FOGO bin.


Only compostable liners or bags can go into the FOGO bin. Compostable liners can be purchased from the Town.

Please ensure kitchen caddy liners and pet poo bags have the certified compostable symbol.

Please ensure that the bin is not overflowing, weighs less than 70kgs and the lid can close. Large tree trunks and branches can be collected using the Verge Valet® service.

Place your bins on the verge front facing the street by 6:00am on your collection day and return to within your property on the same day. Allow 0.5m between bins and 1m from overhanging trees or cars. To find out your bin collection day, please check the Waste Calendar.