Sustainable Cottesloe
Cottesloe has always been an iconic beach destination, as well as an attractive place to live. The heritage of the area is apparent from the wide verges and Norfolk Island Pines lining the streets. As a popular tourist destination, the Town of Cottesloe aims to maintain a clean and relaxed image for all to enjoy.
Cottesloe Main Beach |
Cottesloe is settled upon the coastal sand dunes that are part of the Swan Coastal Plain, approximately 12 km west of Perth. The sandy soils of the Swan Coastal Plain provide challenges for water and fertliser use, with rivers and beaches often having algal bloom problems. As such, Council policy supports planting of native gardens that are better suited to the Meditteranean climate in Cottesloe, which can suffer from long periods of drought.
A native verge garden on Broome Street, Cottesloe |
For more information about native gardening or other sustainability initiatives in Cottesloe please contact the Coordinator Environmental Projects by emailing or phone 9285 5000.
Planting native gardens will also help to promote biodiversity in Cottesloe. Less than 5% of the Cottesloe municipality has its remnant vegetation remaining. Accordingly, biodiversity today is well below pre-European levels, particularly with inland vegetation types. The remaining 15.5 hectares of remnant natural areas that make up that 5% contain a number of important environmental values in terms of biodiversity and habitat, as well as social values such as sense of place, aesthetics, education and recreation.
In order to manage these important natural areas the Town has developed a Natural Areas Management Plan (NAMP). This document sets out a management framework for each natural area through a 5 year program, which aims to provide a more united approach towards natural area management through an efficient allocation of resources. The management plan aims to act as an overarching policy to support current existing local planning and development policies. To access a copy of the NAMP please click here.
You'll find lots of information in the following pages about the Town's sustainability initiatives. If you'd like further details on projects please contact the Council's Coordinator Environmental Projects on 9285 5000.