Wedding Film or Photo Shoot Application

Organisers of Wedding Film or Photo Shoots held within the Town of Cottesloe must lodge a Wedding Film and Photo Shoot Application. The Town requires an application form to be submitted a minimum of ten business day prior to the shoot.

Applicant Details

Shoot Details

Photos are restricted on the Cottesloe Main Beach in Front of Indiana’s Tea House.

Will drones be utilised during your shoot?


Upon acceptance of the hire, I/We (the applicant) undertakes to hold the Town of Cottesloe indemnified against all claims, losses, actions, damages, costs (including legal costs) and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the hiring of a location:

- Personal injury (including death or disease) to the applicant or any invitee or third party and then only to the extent that the applicant proves said injury was due to negligence of the Town of Cottesloe;
- Loss of or damage to any property owned by the applicant, the Town of Cottesloe or any third party;
- Breach or non compliance with any statute or regulation or local law of any public, municipal or other authority.

Acceptance:*This field is required.

I/We have read, understood and agree to abide by the relevant Information and Conditions of Hire. All applications are subject to approval. Payment in full and requested documentation must be submitted prior to the start date.

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