Online Form - Parking Permit Application Form

Residential and visitors parking permits are issued in accordance with the Town's Parking Permit Policy adopted 25 July 2023 and in accordance with the Town of Cottesloe's Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law 2023.

Are you the owner of the property? *
Maximum size of ALL attachments is 976.56 MB
Do you reside at the property?
Number of residential permits being requested? *
Maximum size of ALL attachments is 976.56 MB
Maximum size of ALL attachments is 976.56 MB
Number of visitor permits being requested? *
I understand that the Town will be in contact to receipt payment of the approved parking permit(s) in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges - please refer to website. *
I declare I am a resident of the address provided and that the above information is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct. *
I have read and understand the condition applicable for Residential & Visitor Parking Permits in accordance with the Town of Cottesloe's Parking and Parking Facilities Local Law and Parking Permit Policy. *

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