Please be advised that we are currently experiencing technical issues with the Make a Payment page on our website. We are working hard to rectify this and apologise for any inconvenience.
The Rotunda is a peaceful venue overlooking the children's Playground and positioned near to the War Memorial Hall.
Facility Hire - Conditions of Use Bond Refund Request Form Civic Centre Map
Facility Hire - Conditions of Use
Bond Refund Request Form
Civic Centre Map
Tentative bookings can not be made. Please complete an application form, bookings are secured on full payment which includes the bond and hire fee. The Town of Cottesloe cannot take any bookings more than 12 months ahead.Any applications submitted for a date later than 12 months ahead will not be processed.
I/We have read, understood and agree to abide by the relevant Information and Conditions of Hire. All applications are subject to approval. Payment in full and requested documentation must be submitted prior to the start date.
Type the code from the image