Electoral Gifts
Part 5A of the Local Government (Elections) Regulations 1997 requires both candidates and donors to disclose information about any election-related gift if the value of the gift is $200 or more; or the value of the gift is less than $200, but the gift is one of two or more gifts, with a total value of $200 or more, made by one person.
Electoral gifts
A 'gift' means a disposition of property, or the conferral of any financial benefit, made by one person in favour or another.
It can include:
a gift of money
a gift which is non-monetary but of value
a gift in kind or where there is inadequate financial consideration such as the receipt of a discount (where the difference or discount is more than $200 worth
financial or other contribution to travel
the provision of a service for no consideration or for inadequate consideration
a firm promise or agreement to give a gift at some future time.
A gift does not include a gift by will; a gift by a relative (as defined in section 5.74(1) of the Local Government Act 1996); a gift that does not relate to the candidate's candidature; or the provision of volunteer labour.
Disclosure period
Within three days of nomination, any candidate in a local government election is required to disclose any gifts received within the disclosure period. Any gifts received after the nomination has been made must be disclosed within three days of acceptance of the gift. The disclosure period commences six months prior to the Election Day (for unsuccessful candidates) and on the start day for financial interest returns for successful candidates. The start day is the day of the declaration by the Elected Member.
How a disclosure is made
All disclosures are to be made on a LG09A Disclosure of Gifts form and delivered to the Town of Cottesloe Chief Executive Officer within three days of receiving the gift, once your candidate nomination has been made to the returning officer. Information to be supplied includes the name of the candidate, the name and address of the donor, the date the gift was received (or promised), the value of the gift and a description of the gift.
Email forms to town@cottesloe.wa.gov.au or hand deliver to the Town's administration centre at 109 Broome Street, Cottesloe.
Donors will also need to disclose any gifts made within the relevant period.
Useful Links and Forms
Disclosure of Gifts Form
Department of Local Government - Local Government Elections
Electoral Gift Register
In accordance with regulation 30G the Town must keep a register of all electoral gift disclosures received and publish the register on the website.