The Town of Cottesloe Administration office at 109 Broome Street will close at 4.30pm on Tuesday, 24 December and will re-open at 8.30am on Thursday, 2 January 2025.
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Minutes - Ordinary Council Meeting - 25 September 2018 (7.63 MB)
10.1.1 - 104 Marine Parade - Cottesloe Beach Hotel Alterations (14.19 MB) 10.1.2 - Proposed Local Development Plan - Lots 24 and 25 Railway Street (14.19 MB) 10.1.6 - Celebration of the Motorcar (149.02 KB) 10.1.10 - Financial Statements for period ending 31 August 2018 (149.02 KB) 10.1.2 -Revised Local Development Plan - Lots 24 and 25 Railway St (2.87 MB) 11.4 - City of Albany - Works and Services Committee Meeting Minutes - 12 August 2015 (2.87 MB)
10.1.1 - 104 Marine Parade - Cottesloe Beach Hotel Alterations (14.19 MB)
10.1.2 - Proposed Local Development Plan - Lots 24 and 25 Railway Street (14.19 MB)
10.1.6 - Celebration of the Motorcar (149.02 KB)
10.1.10 - Financial Statements for period ending 31 August 2018 (149.02 KB)
10.1.2 -Revised Local Development Plan - Lots 24 and 25 Railway St (2.87 MB)
11.4 - City of Albany - Works and Services Committee Meeting Minutes - 12 August 2015 (2.87 MB)