Useful Links
Becoming an Owner-Builder
For information on becoming an owner-builder please visit the Building Commision website.
Australian Building Codes Board
For information on the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and regulations to aid the design, construction and use of buildings throughout Australia, please visit the Australian Building Codes Board website.
Dividing Fences
If you require specific information relation to the process of agreeing to, and sharing the costs of a dividing fence with your neighbour then please visit the Building Commission website.
Standards Australia
Standards Australia is recognised by the Government as Australia's peak Standards body. It coordinates standardisation activities, develops internationally aligned Australian Standards® that deliver Net Benefit to Australia, and facilitates the accreditation of other Standards Development Organisations.
For further information please visit the Standards Australia website.
Work Safe
WorkSafe is a division of the Department of Commerce, the Western Australian State Government agency responsible for the administration of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984.
The principal objective of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 is to promote and secure the safety and health of people in the workplace.
For further information please visit the Work Safe website.
Building & Construction Industry Training Fund
The Construction Training Fund (formerly the BCITF) was established in 1990 by an Act of Parliament to support the training of eligible people in the building and construction industry. Under the Building and Construction Industry Training Levy and Collection Act 1990, the Construction Training Fund collects a small training levy from all construction projects in Western Australia.
The goals of the Construction Training Fund are to improve the quality of training and to increase the number of skilled workers in the building and construction industry.
The funds received from the collection of the training levy go back to the industry to support training and skills development.
For more information please visit the Building & Construction Industry Training Fund website.
Demolition / Development Information - Adjoining Properties Owners
- If demolition works have been approved and are occurring near you property then this brochure may assist you with any questions you may have.
Smoke Alarms
Information from the Department of Commerce regarding smoke alarm laws, requirements and responsibilities for residential type buildings.
Sand Drift Prevention & Sediment Control Guidelines
This document provides information on the containment of sediment and other building materials on the worksite and reducing the volume entering the drainage system.