Beach Conditions & Shark Safety

Beach Conditions

Check out the current beach conditions using the below link kindly provided by Coastal Watch.

Cottesloe Beach

Shark Safety

To view shark safety information from The Western Australia Department of Fisheries, please click here.

Sharksmart - Department of Fisheries

For real-time reported sightings and tagged shark detection, which includes current alerts and warnings, please click here.

Shark Warning Systems

The Town has two Spectur Shark Warning Systems; one at the Cove surf break and the other at North Cottesloe. The Town was the first metropolitan Local Government to install these units on the coastline and the addition of them complements our other shark prevention and response systems of BEN signs, the protected swimming enclosure and beach patrols.

The Shark Warning Systems were donated to the Town by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and we would like to thank the State Government and the Minister, the Hon Don Punch MLA for the donation.