Travel Smart & Alternative Transport

Travel SafeSustainable Transport in Cottesloe

The Town of Cottesloe has been designed as a walkable precinct, well served by public transport. Cottesloe’s natural beauty and warm climate makes it a great location to walk and cycle. The Department of Transport has a number of useful maps to assist you, with information on the Perth Bicycle Netwok in the region, local bike friendly streets and shared paths. For details about public transport services visit Transperth's website by clicking here or download a local Travel Smart guide.

Why choose sustainable travel?

Over dependence on the car leads to air pollution, traffic congestion and lack of physical exercise. By replacing a couple of car trips each week with more active transport you can save money, get fit and help the environment. Eliminating short car trips will accumulatively save fossil fuel emissions and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the environment. So why not take the TravelSmart challenge and change one return trip per week from the car to walking, cycling or public transport?

For general information about cycling safety and events go the the Bikewest website.

The Town also has a Local Bike Plan to help us support cycling in our local community. You can read the Bike Plan here.

Sustainable Travel for Staff

Council provides staff who commute to work via sustainable means an allowance to cover their expenses. This initiative encourages staff to ride or catch public transport and rewards positive behaviour. By reducing the number of car trips each week, Council reduces greenhouse gas emissions, limits congestion and has happier and healthier staff!